What Works

Case studies, research reports, and articles demonstrating the effectiveness of nation, city, and place branding and marketing strategies.

What Works

Awards Masterclass

What does it take to be a winner at the City Nation Place Awards? And what can we learn from previous year’s finalist and winner case studies about the key ingredients of a successful nation, city, or place brand and marketing strategy? Join this global tour of the very best work being implemented by nation branding teams, city marketing boards, destination marketing, and economic development organisations around the world.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDataDesignDestination MarketingInvestment PromotionPlace Branding
What Works

From place brand campaign to true place brand strategy

So often the focus of a place branding project is on communicating the brand's central idea externally, and the most important part of a place – its built environment – can be forgotten or overshadowed. CivicBrand's Brisa Byford and Layne Ferguson explore how you can infuse your brand's story into the built environment - told through the lens of a place branding project in High Point, North Carolina.

label_outline Place BrandingPlace Making
What Works

Engaging your private sector in the development of a unified city-brand – Case study: Brussels

Private sector organisations are key ambassadors for their destinations. Jeremie Feinblatt, Resonance Consultancy, joins Aurore Martano and Annemie Vershueren of visit.brussels to explore how they engaged their private sector from the ground-up to create a more meaningful and consistent destination brand experience.

label_outline Citizen EngagementEconomic Development Place BrandingPrivate Sector
What Works

Growing Indigenous tourism in Canada: Case Study

Supporting Indigenous businesses can have a positive ripple effect on the local economy. Learn how Indigenous tourism operators and destination marketers are collaborating on product development and capacity building as Alphabet's Cathy Kirkpatrick shares expertise from three tourism stakeholders moving the needle on Indigenous tourism growth.

label_outline CollaborationCultural HeritageDestination ManagementDestination MarketingPrivate Sector
What Works

Chile: Creating future

Chile set out to communicate not only what they had been given, but what they had to give – the contributions of Chilean men and women who are creating a better future for our country and our world. Discover how Imagen de Chile launched the 'Chile Creating Future' strategy and how it's engaging stakeholders from across the country in the vision for the country.

label_outline Citizen EngagementPlace BrandingSustainability