What Works

Case studies, research reports, and articles demonstrating the effectiveness of nation, city, and place branding and marketing strategies.

What Works

Launching Brand Scotland

Four years after the launch of Brand Scotland, they're leading the way in sustainable development. We're excited to have Claire Prentice, Head of Brand Scotland Marketing, at City Nation Place Global to share her experience of putting SDGs at the centre of their strategy and balancing the challenges of collaboration and competition. Get a sneak preview of where it all began here with their 2018 City Nation Place Awards entry.

label_outline CollaborationPlace BrandingSustainability
What Works

How Greenville, South Carolina built its place attractiveness and reputation – and resilience through COVID

Mayor Knox White of the City of Greenville shares how Greenville's placemaking focus on mixed-use development, walkability, and green space promoted the city's resiliency during the pandemic, and how increased recognition in the value of developing your quality of life proposition drives investment.

label_outline Destination ManagementEconomic Development Place BrandingPlace Making
What Works

#VappuAtHome: Celebrating a virtual May Day

The City of Helsinki took home our 2020 Award for Best Citizen Engagement for their creative approach that invited citizens to enjoy the May Day celebrations from home by joining a virtual concert. A year on - and with another virtual concert planned for this year's May Day celebrations - we wanted to throw back to the original campaign that wowed our judges last November.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCrisis ManagementDigital ReputationSmart Cities