Trends & Insights

Blog posts bringing together takeaways from events, interviews, and our conversations with place branding practitioners around the world that suggest important trends, or provide inspiring ideas.

Trends & Ideas

Moving your DE&I strategy beyond the tick box

Cities have complex pasts that have left complex legacies – much more so than employers who have only existed for a fraction of most cities and nations. How can you ensure that you don’t resort to copy-paste cliches and tokenistic efforts, and that you’re developing a place narrative that acknowledges the past while still looking to the future?

label_outline CollaborationCultural HeritageDestination ManagementPlace Branding
Trends & Ideas

Annual Survey Report | Planning for the future

The City Nation Place annual survey aims to take the pulse on the priorities of nation branding teams, city and regional marketing boards, destination marketing organisations, investment promotion agencies, and economic development boards – where do they see the challenges and opportunities, and what strategies and tactics are they pursuing to deliver on their key objectives?

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationDataDestination ManagementDestination MarketingEconomic Development FundingInvestment PromotionPlace BrandingSustainabilityTalent AttractionTourism
Partner ContentTrends & Ideas

Reimagining the Rural Brandscape

There’s a quiet revolution growing in food production that will have a profound impact on our collective futures. Rural economic development may not seem sexy, but we all have a lot riding on how successfully communities support and sustain their natural environments, green spaces and food producers. So, what does it take to nurture the places that feed us all?

label_outline Economic Development Investment PromotionPlace BrandingReputation