Trends & Insights

Blog posts bringing together takeaways from events, interviews, and our conversations with place branding practitioners around the world that suggest important trends, or provide inspiring ideas.

Trends & Ideas

New research shows citizens' sustainability priorities. Here’s what it means for your place.

With increasing evidence of the impact that climate change is having on our environment, 68% of people think that government and businesses need to act now or risk failing future generations – but just 39% agree that their government has a clear plan in place to tackle climate change. So, what is it that cities and nations should be doing to address the concerns of their citizens?

label_outline Citizen EngagementReputationSustainability
Trends & Ideas

Building sustainability values into your place brand: a must-have or a competitive advantage?

What are the dos and the don'ts of communicating your sustainable value proposition? Visit Pembrokeshire's Emma Thornton and lead of the Brent Cross Town redevelopment, Argent's Nick Searl, share their insights and provide ideas for engaging stakeholders in your sustainable vision.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDestination ManagementPlace MakingSustainabilityTourism