Trends & Insights

Blog posts bringing together takeaways from events, interviews, and our conversations with place branding practitioners around the world that suggest important trends, or provide inspiring ideas.

Trends & Ideas

Five conversations from City Nation Place Global & UK to get you thinking

Last week – and for the first time in two years – we were able to welcome delegates to London for CNP Global & UK. The two days were packed with learnings from around the world; here are just a few of our key takeaways from across the conferences...

label_outline AdvocacyCollaborationDataDestination ManagementEconomic Development Place BrandingPlace MakingSustainabilityTalent Attraction
Trends & Ideas

Measuring the impact of place branding

What if we could conclusively demonstrate the link between place branding and the growth of your economy?

It’s the holy grail of place branding. Which is why we’re delighted to be partnering with Bloom Consulting on a ground-breaking research project to do just that – and we’re inviting place brand, destination marketing, and investment promotion organisations to join the study.

label_outline DataPlace BrandingReputation
Trends & Ideas

Place attractiveness for all: how should places, and place leaders, be responding to the national conversations around D&I and equitable development?

How can you adopt intentional D&I strategies that really make a difference? Al Hutchinson, Visit Baltimore, Kelly Brough, Denver Chamber of Commerce, and Kevin Eshkawkogan, Indigenous Tourism Ontario, outline ideas for improving diversity and inclusion across tourism and all sectors of economic development - and how you can put KPIs in place to measure more than just box-ticking.

label_outline AdvocacyCitizen EngagementCultural HeritageDestination ManagementSoft Power
Trends & Ideas

Four thought-provoking themes from City Nation Place Americas 2021

Last week, we welcomed over 300 place branding leaders organisations across North America for two days of inspirational and thought-provoking discussions on how places can adapt and evolve to meet the new realities we’re facing. It was a challenge boiling the conference down to just a few key takeaways, but these are the four themes that resonated most for us throughout the conference...

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationDestination ManagementDestination MarketingEconomic Development Place BrandingPlace Making