Trends & Insights

Blog posts bringing together takeaways from events, interviews, and our conversations with place branding practitioners around the world that suggest important trends, or provide inspiring ideas.

Trends & Ideas

Has the pandemic killed soft power?

At the launch of the Brand Finance's 2020 Global Soft Power Index in February - and how long ago that seems now - Ban Ki-moon spoke passionately about the importance of soft power and global citizenship during a time of trade wars and increasingly hardened borders. "Soft power," he proclaimed, "transcends borders, builds bridges, and brings the world together through dialogue and mutual understanding." 

label_outline Crisis ManagementSoft Power
Trends & Ideas

The politics of space, culture, and placemaking for post-COVID place branding

Just as tourism teams are looking to “reset” with a more sustainable approach, place leaders and economic development teams are reconsidering approaches to placemaking. There is a need to reinvent our public spaces to rebuild the attractiveness of places – and to reconnect communities that have been living in isolation for upwards of three months.

label_outline Destination ManagementPlace BrandingPlace MakingReputation
Opinion PieceTrends & Ideas

5 lessons from lockdown: What organisations can learn about collaboration and the route to recovery

If there are any silver linings to the COVID-19 pandemic, the renewed spirit of global collaboration and creative innovation would be one. As one of the few EDOs to collaborate with the private sector in the UN's Global Hack, Locate in Kent share advice for EDOs looking to ensure their organisations are sufficiently resourced and agile to survive and thrive through the crisis and the recovery period.

label_outline Economic Development Private Sector
Trends & Ideas

Place Branding for the 2020s - and how COVID-19 is impacting on strategic thinking

Two months ago, we were living and working in a different world. What started as research around the emerging trends in 2020 rapidly gained new importance as COVID-19 put the world on lockdown. Discover the discrepancies between our pre- and post-COVID-19 findings to understand how places can adapt their destination marketing and investment promotion strategies for this new reality.

label_outline DataDestination MarketingFundingInvestment PromotionPlace Branding