Trends & Insights

Blog posts bringing together takeaways from events, interviews, and our conversations with place branding practitioners around the world that suggest important trends, or provide inspiring ideas.

Partner ContentTrends & Ideas

Interactive Art: A catalyst for urban revival and community engagement

Cities and towns using art and technology to transform their public spaces into places of convergence and human connection. Creos' Alexandre Lemieux explores how the adoption of art in urban planning is a strategic move towards creating immersive experiences that foster community engagement and stimulate local economies.

label_outline Citizen EngagementDestination ManagementPlace MakingPrivate Sector
Trends & IdeasPartner Content

What makes a healthy place?

Today, the buzzwords of ‘wellbeing’, ‘wellness’, ‘sustainability’, ‘eco’, and ‘regenerative’ lay heavily on the imperatives of developers and placemakers. Hunter Design's Crispin Reed explores five factors for how places around the world are rising to the challenge and building health – both personal and environmental – into the DNA of their designs.

label_outline Destination ManagementPlace MakingSustainability
Trends & Ideas

The role of sustainability in building nation brands + integrating digital signals and perception research to measure and manage performance

Ipsos’s Jason McGrath reviews the findings from the 2023 Ipsos-Anholt Nation Brand Index to uncover emerging trends and what it is that drives the performance of the strongest nation brands. Listen in to discover the role sustainability performance plays and what tools nation brand leaders can and should be leveraging to proactively manage their nation brand performance.

label_outline DataPlace BrandingSustainability
Trends & Ideas

Re-defining the future of places at City Nation Place Global 2023

It is always a privilege to join delegates from around the world at City Nation Place Global to discover how cities, regions, and nations are redefining what success looks like in place branding and place marketing. With two hundred delegates in attendance, and speakers from every continent representing more than twenty places, this year was no exception.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCollaborationDataDesignDestination MarketingEconomic Development Investment PromotionPlace BrandingTourism
Trends & Ideas

Japan ranks first on Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index – but Sweden wins in sustainability.

Understanding how perceptions of your nation measure up against the rest of the world, therefore, is an invaluable element in identifying both your strengths and the areas you wish to focus on. Discover findings from the 2023 Anholt-Ipsos Nation Brands Index and how sustainability is impacting perceptions of your nation.

label_outline DataPlace BrandingReputationSustainability