Trends & Insights

Blog posts bringing together takeaways from events, interviews, and our conversations with place branding practitioners around the world that suggest important trends, or provide inspiring ideas.

Trends & Ideas

Ten tips to drive an authentic place brand strategy

We’ve been lucky enough to secure some of the most innovative, creative and strategic minds in place branding and economic development for the third annual City Nation Place Americas conference, and with just one week to go until the conference, we wanted to share some of our speakers’ best quotes to help inspire your own place brand vision.

label_outline AdvocacyCitizen EngagementDestination MarketingEconomic Development ReputationSustainability
Trends & Ideas

Seven key lessons from City Nation Place UK

Leading destination marketers, economic developers, property developers and city leaders from across the UK arrived in Birmingham on Tuesday for the first annual City Nation Place UK conference. From start to end, the one-day conference was packed with exciting and inspirational conversations, as place branders shared their experiences through case studies and discussions.

Given the scope and range of the debate, it’s a challenge to sum it all up in one article, but here are the seven key takeaways that stood out the most.

label_outline Destination ManagementDestination MarketingEconomic Development Investment PromotionPlace BrandingTourism
Trends & Ideas

Brexit & the flow of tourism and investment to the UK: A snapshot of opinions

With just three weeks to go until Brexit D-Day and few signs of a deal being agreed upon by the parliament, it’s clear that, whatever the outcome, the Brexit story will have an impact on international perceptions of Britain. Ahead of our inaugural City Nation Place UK forum, we surveyed a select snapshot of place branders and marketers from across the UK to find out how coverage of Brexit and the actual exit of the UK from the European Union is likely to impact on place branding strategy, and on the flow of tourism and investment to the UK.

label_outline Citizen EngagementInvestment PromotionPlace BrandingReputationTourism
Trends & Ideas

Eight emerging challenges and trends for place branding in 2019

To make sure we’re on the right track at City Nation Place, we’ve been talking to place branding leaders around the world – those responsible for place making strategy, for tourism promotion, for economic development, for nation branding, for regional development and for city marketing strategy. There are come clear themes emerging around the common challenges, and perceived opportunities and so, as a preview of the topics we will be building into the Forum agendas, here’s our list of the eight key place branding trends for 2019…

label_outline Citizen EngagementDestination MarketingDigital ReputationEconomic Development Investment PromotionPlace BrandingPlace MakingSustainabilityTalent AttractionTourism