Strategy Toolbox

How-to articles and case studies sharing best-practice approaches to all elements of place branding and marketing.

Strategy Toolbox Expert Article

Nine expert tips to prepare for recovery in cities, nations and regions

How can destinations begin their recovery? With the summer season looming for many destinations, and business-almost-as-usual resuming, we reached out to our panel of place branding experts to understand what the next steps should be for places looking to restart their economies.

label_outline Citizen EngagementCrisis ManagementDestination MarketingDigital ReputationInvestment Promotion
Strategy Toolbox Partner Content

Destination branding in a time of lockdown

What does it mean to be a destination when visitors can no longer travel? Far from obstacle or paralysis, COVID-19 should be a call-out for innovators to create new and timely solutions. How can you utilise this time to make your destination seem so desirable that it's the first place people want to visit when the travel restrictions are lifted?

label_outline Destination MarketingDigital ReputationPlace BrandingSocial Media