Strategy Toolbox

How-to articles and case studies sharing best-practice approaches to all elements of place branding and marketing.

Strategy Toolbox

Sheffield just launched a ground-breaking student attraction campaign. Here’s how it works.

Last week, Sheffield announced the launch of a new campaign – Sheffield Your University City - created in collaboration between Sheffield Council’s marketing body and the city’s two universities. We caught up with the masterminds behind the innovative collaboration to understand more about the journey and what they learned along the way.

label_outline CollaborationPlace BrandingReputationTalent Attraction
Strategy Toolbox

Growing and communicating the positive impact of convention centers on the place economy

State and local governments invest in capital development, operations and marketing of convention centers with the expectation of generating positive economic impacts to their communities. They typically measure this impact by estimating the amount of spending of visitors to the convention center. But is that the best way?

label_outline Economic Development Place MakingTourism
Strategy Toolbox

Writing a great brief leads to a richer partnership. Here’s what you could be missing.

Clear communication is essential to any successful partnership – even more so when you’re working with external parties. Four of our expert partners shared their thoughts on how you could write a good brief to explain the challenge or project you want to tackle, putting you on the best footing for a partnership with an agency or consultancy.

label_outline Collaboration