Strategy Toolbox

How-to articles and case studies sharing best-practice approaches to all elements of place branding and marketing.

Strategy Toolbox

Investment Promotion: The road to maturity

Investment promotion agencies and economic development teams are increasingly adept at attracting international companies and growing their locations. We see sector specific segmentation and an understanding that “liveability” and the values behind your place brand are as important as tax incentives. However, relatively few locations have developed the policies, processes and mindsets necessary to help the businesses they have worked so hard to attract actually thrive. This blog discusses the basic principles of Aftercare, and, with a couple of examples, shows the value Aftercare can deliver.

label_outline Investment PromotionPrivate Sector
Strategy Toolbox

Strategies for smaller places: how to use what you have

Kimberly Connaghan, VP Global Media - Travel, National Geographic

Shauna Stewart, CEO, Experience Olympia & Beyond

Mary Ann Mahoney, CEO, Boulder CVB

Marla Tambellini, Deputy Director/Vice President of Marketing & PR, Explore Asheville Convention & Visitors Bureau

Download presentation slides for Experience Olympia and Explore Asheville

label_outline Cultural HeritageEconomic Development Place BrandingReputationTourism