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Exclusive Member Presentation | How public diplomacy can adapt to the new world of sharp power

Speaker and full session details to be confirmed.

The term “sharp power” refers to the manipulation of diplomatic and economic policies to influence and undermine the political system or policies of another country.  Is “sharp power” the new soft power – or can public diplomacy effectively counter malign intentions as well as promote the nation brand story you want to tell?


Online Round Table | Your values, your place brand

Join this member-led round table to explore how place brand and marketing teams are developing values-based strategies. It’s long been recognised that destination marketing strategies cannot effectively gloss over issues of governance, policy, or values that might impact negatively on international opinion. But how can a clear understanding and expression of values provide the rock on which a place brand is built? And how do you identify and formulate these values – through citizen engagement, through a changed relationship between political leadership and place brand and marketing teams?


Promoting your sustainable credentials

In our 2021 place branding survey, 93% of our respondents believed that having a sustainable approach to tourism or economic development would provide a competitive advantage – but only 54% promoted their sustainable approach in their place brand storytelling. How can you ensure that your more sustainable approach does deliver competitive advantage? And how can you speak with authenticity?


Exclusive Member Presentation | The role of honesty in investment attraction and equitable economic development

Speaker and full session details to be confirmed.

Investment promotion strategies are frequently criticized for their lack of differentiation and for making the same promises.  In this session we plan to explore how some places are enjoying greater success in attracting investment and working with the private sector by being more open and honest about the challenges their place faces and that they hope to solve through economic development. How can a more collaborative approach with your investors deliver more equitable economic benefits for your place?


Online Round Table | Cultural attractiveness: supporting, developing, and leveraging your brand’s cultural assets

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the cultural life of nations, cities and places around the world. Your cultural heritage and cultural sector provide the desired differentiation and attractiveness for people to want to live in, study in, visit, and invest in your place. Join this discussion to share practical advice for supporting the recovery of your place’s cultural attractiveness and find out how other places work with and leverage their cultural sector to tell a strong place brand story.

Collaboration is king: identifying the key opportunities for collaboration in place branding

Collaboration is key to success in place branding. If you’re able to find a common ground and a common way of working, you can increase the impact of your strategies significantly - and create a more resilient future for your place. But what should you be keeping in mind to promote better collaborative partnerships?

label_outline CollaborationDestination MarketingInvestment PromotionPlace BrandingSoft Power

Shifting from destination marketing to destination management

What are the advantages to having a destination management focus rather than a purely marketing-driven approach? And what does it really mean for your destination? The Travel Foundation will be joining us to explore the structural changes you need to successfully transition from marketing to management, and top tips to ensure this strategy will make your place more resilient.


Online Round Table | Working better together: Improving collaboration between place brand and marketing teams

Join this member-led round table discussion to share approaches for improving collaboration between economic development, tourism, investment promotion, talent attraction, place making, diplomacy and other place brand and marketing teams.  How are places adapting organisational structures to foster better relationships? Are teams taking on changing roles or KPIs to reflect their different strengths and better support the common goals?  What data are places using to demonstrate that better collaboration delivers more effective results? 

Engaging Citizens in Place Branding

The ultimate objective of any place brand or marketing initiative is to deliver benefits for the citizens of that nation, city, or place. And of course, a place brand is more than the sum of its geography and physical attractions, a place brand reflects its people. This White Paper will explore how place brand and marketing teams are ensuring that the citizen’s voice is heard and is influential in the development of place brand and marketing strategies.  Through case studies and expert comment, this Report will explore how places are consulting with citizens, engaging citizens in the promotion of the place brand, and measuring the impact of their work through citizen feedback.

Publication date:


Auditing your recovery strategy for sustainability

Join this session to hear from the participants in the “Roots to Recovery” project run by the Travel Foundation in partnership with City Nation Place ahead of last year’s Global conference. What are their ongoing learnings? As a group, how can Connections members work together to identify solutions to the ongoing challenge of balancing the desire for sustainable development with the need to urgently recoup revenues for their tourism sector?

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