Faroe Islands Translate

Faroe Islands Translate

Learn more about Visit Faroe Island's Best Communication Strategy. 

Entered by Visit Faroe Islands

In 2017, the Faroe Islands launched Google Sheep View to get Google Street View to the Faroe Islands and to increase awareness about the islands as a travel destination. The project succeeded. One year later, the Faroe Islands – together with Google – succeeded in mapping roads and trails and implemented these into Google Street. Google Sheep View became one of the world's most popular marketing campaigns and resulted in a significant increase in awareness of the islands, and an increase in tourists visiting the country. The campaign solved one challenge, but at the same time created a new one. There are now more than twice as many tourists that visit the eighteen small islands as there are Faroese people, and these tourists obviously do not speak Faroese. Tourists increase the threat to the already small language, which is only spoken by c. 70,000 people worldwide. Tourists like to learn a little of the local language when visiting a country – but this process was hindered by the fact that Faroese wasn’t found on Google Translate.

The Place Brand Portfolio is City Nation Place's searchable portfolio of Awards case studies from the past five years.
