Best Citizen Engagement Winner 2015

Emma Roche Emma Roche Reporter, Debtwire

Interview with Joanna Murphy, CEO, ConnectIreland, & Winner of the City Nation Place Award for Best Citizen Engagement in 2015.

CNP: “Citizen Engagement” is a phrase that covers quite a range of activities as part of a place branding strategy.  For ConnectIreland, what are the objectives of effective citizen engagement?

JM: ConnectIreland is, in effect, an incentivised referral scheme. Through introductions from members of the public and the Irish global community, we work with expanding international companies to encourage them to locate their business operations in Ireland in partnership with IDA Ireland. As such, citizen engagement is a key priority for us in our strategy and the objective of such engagement is ultimately job creation.

CNP: How important is it for ConnectIreland that the return on investment in citizen engagement is measurable?

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