The story behind Brussels’ daring new place brand strategy

In June 2023, Brussels launched their new international city brand to address the fragmentation of their international reputation. Annemie Verschueren, Director of Media & Communication at and a 2023 City Nation Place Awards judge, explains how they developed and launched a place brand that shows Brussels as perfectly imperfect and how they’re working with residents and stakeholders to tell the story of Brussels with one voice.


Thanks for joining us, Annemie. Your new place brand strategy is built around ‘In Brussels, we dare you to be yourself.’ Can you explain how your strategy will be built around this positioning?


The findings of our 18-months research showed us that Brussels was both buttoned-up and fiercely free-spirited - a region that accepted itself as it is (warts and all) and of people we defined as “originators”.

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The Place Brand Portfolio is City Nation Place's searchable portfolio of Awards case studies from the past five years.
