Investing in women: ApexBrasil’s commitment to gender parity

Investment promotion agencies have a huge role in shaping the future of their place. Instead of chasing growth for growth’s sake, economic development agencies can shape a more resilient and equitable future by targeting the businesses they attract and support. Ana Paula L. A. Repezza, Business Director of ApexBrasil, talked to us about how her team are making a clear commitment to gender parity, as well as steps they’re taking to develop a positive working environment within the organisation.


ApexBrasil is making a new commitment to gender parity in the agency’s activities. What has been the biggest change you’ve implemented to support this commitment?

In March 2023, ApexBrasil established its commitment to gender equity and pledged to develop a programme focused on women who are engaged or want to engage in the international market. In June, we officially launched the Women and International Business Programme (WIBP), aimed at bringing together various partner entities in an effort to enhance the participation of Brazilian women-led companies in exports, internationalisation, and investment attraction. Entrepreneurs from all sectors, whether business owners or in executive positions, who are interested in expanding into the international market are invited to participate.

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