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Place Branding in Harmony?

2017 has already seen some marked contrasts in global priorities. Whilst the freshly inaugurated President Trump reiterated his pledge to build walls and the British Government confirmed its resolve to exit the European Union, on the other side of the world, ASEAN (ten nations comprising the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was launching its celebration of 50 years’ commitment to "one vision, one identity, one community". We thought it would be timely to look at the contribution of the ASEAN initiative and examine the approaches to place branding strategies across the region.

ASEAN @ 50: Partnering for Change, Engaging the World

ASEAN’s “Partnering for Change, Engaging the World” theme for 2017 includes a collaborative tourism campaign: “Visit ASEAN@50: Golden Celebration” designed to increase tourist numbers and encourage visitors to explore more than one ASEAN destination.

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The Place Brand Portfolio is City Nation Place's searchable portfolio of Awards case studies from the past five years.