Interview with Jessica Wardle, Managing Partner at M&C Saatchi

Mike Wittenstein Mike Wittenstein Experience and service designer and consultant, Storyminers
Interview with Jessica Wardle, Managing Partner at M&C Saatchi

We caught up with Jessica Wardle, Managing Partner at M&C Saatchi. We’re keen to understand what changes she's witnessing across the FDI sector and in the promotion of investment opportunities by cities, nations and regions.

How did M&C Saatchi become involved in the world of FDI, investment promotion and economic development?

M&C Saatchi was international at birth. We've always had a global outlook. One of the first projects the agency ever worked on was for the Government of New Zealand. We were asked to help define the country to the world. To make the case for New Zealand - its products (and services), as a place to visit and a destination for investment. The brand and campaign M&C Saatchi developed, 100% Pure New Zealand, is arguably the most successful and enduring promotional asset ever created for a country. Since then, we have learnt a lot. We've become specialists and, we'd like to think, experts in the field. FDI promotion and its ability to drive substantial economic development is something we've witnessed and believe in. We have now worked with many governments, both national and regional, on similar projects.

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