City Nation Place Global 2023

9th annual City Nation Place Global, London 

Digital Delegate Package

The 2023 Global conference brought together over 200 place brand and marketing leaders in London to share ideas and best practice.  

If you could not be there, it’s not too late to watch all the presentations – purchase a digital delegate package and you can learn from over 16 case studies and practitioner panels, as well as from 14 expert-led sessions. 

Proving the effectiveness of your place brand and marketing strategy…

Throughout the 2023 agenda there is a strong emphasis on measurement – providing the ideas and inspiration for nation and place brand teams, destination marketing organisations, investment promotion agencies, and economic development teams to improve how you demonstrate the effectiveness of what you do and take your stakeholders on the journey.

Agenda highlights...

    How a strong nation brand provides Estonia with the foundation for international relations and diplomacy

    How Goyang City is leveraging economic sector strengths as a base for building a city brand

    How Switzerland, Peru, and the Western Cape are leveraging Place of Origin effect to build trade and reputation

    How Los Angeles, New Zealand, and Oslo are managing the brand relationships between nations, regions, and cities

    How Canada is measuring the success of tourism strategies against wealth and wellbeing KPIs

    How The Hague leverages the place brand as a guiding principle for city policies and to build civic pride

    How Helsinki, Thailand, Slovenia, and Sheffield are using new tech platforms to engage audiences in their place brand

“I haven’t missed City Nation Place since its inauguration. Why I keep coming back is for two things…One is to make sure that as a destination, as a DMO, we learn… and for us it’s a more realistic way to do collaboration without having to spend hours and lots of flights going all around the world to engage with destinations. You come here, you can do that, and what you also find are kindred spirits.”

Enver Duminy, CEO, Cape Town Tourism

“City Nation Place is global, and it’s a unique opportunity to look at systems of place branding from an economic development side along with tourism and other systems of working together. In my experience, I haven’t seen any other opportunities to bring collaboration in that way. It’s not just tourism, it’s not just economic development, it’s the full conversation. It’s an exciting opportunity to come together to learn and implement new ideas.”

Anthony Everett, President & CEO at 4VI