Two optional programme activities for you to join on the morning of Wednesday 6th November…
Join our place shaping tour: London’s West End
Organised in partnership with Westminster City Council, join this walking tour to learn how partnerships are transforming London’s West End. Starting at The Strand Aldwych [just over the River Thames from our conference venue and one of central London’s newest major public spaces] you’ll hear how this place shaping project has transformed one of the capital’s most congested and polluted streets into a world-class destination. The tour will then take a route through the West End up to Leicester Square where you’ll have the opportunity to learn about a number of projects designed to ensure that the centre of London remains a cultural hotspot.
Join our leadership Think Tank: Exploring optimum structures and governance for place branding and marketing
This year’s workshop session will provide an opportunity to explore how to structure and fund a place-led approach to building and managing the reputation of your city, nation or place. In a closed-doors, places only [no consultants] session we’ll share City Nation Place research and foster round table conversations on optimum board structures, organisational collaboration, and diversified funding.
Geopolitics today and what this means for place brands
In conversation with...
Panel discussion: Building a values-based place brand strategy for a changing world
Round table discussions
Join a small group of your peers from around the world to focus on a particular challenge or opportunity, share your experience, and learn from others what is working and what perhaps isn’t working.
ROOM ONE: Measuring success: KPIs for place brands
- What KPIs are organisations currently working to?
- Are any organisations working to change their KPIs to reflect changing objectives?
- Any tips for overcoming potential resistance to changing KPIs?
- How are organisations measuring BRAND KPIs
- As more organisations change their approach to KPIs, is this impacting on place brand and marketing teams’ ability to benchmark their work against other places?
ROOM TWO: Tools & stratagems for engaging stakeholders
- How confident are you that your organisation and its purpose is valued by your stakeholders?
- What have organisations around the table found to be successful when trying to engage government, the private sector, the community in the work of the organisation?
- And as ambassadors or participants in the promotion of the place brand and place brand narrative?
- Are there any particular tools that organisations are using to engage stakeholders
- Are there any particular strategems that are proving more successful than others?
ROOM THREE: Next steps on the digital transformation journey in place marketing
- How confident are the organisations represented around the table that they have the right skills on the team to leverage emerging tech?
- Are there any particular tools or dashboards that place teams are finding particularly useful for the unique challenges of place marketing?
- Are there examples of organisational policy around using generative AI tools in marketing campaigns?
- How are teams improving their responsiveness and flexibility to negative and positive stories about their places?
Leveraging your place brand DNA to address place challenges
We’ve seen and experienced place branding activations that promote the best aspects of cities, regions, and nations. But can we push this further? What if we could use our deep understanding of our place brands to re-design systems and bring about change to respond to some of the most complex social problems our communities face?
Highlighting case studies from Brand Tasmania, this presentation shows how place branding organisations can serve as creative and strategic laboratories for partners, capable of shaping policy outcomes across a range of important issues facing our communities.
Transforming the visitor economy into a force for good
- In the face of growing concerns about over tourism, climate change, and gentrification, what does it take to develop a visitor economy that contributes to the prosperity and wellbeing of all its residents?
- What tools are needed to support destination marketing and economic development in building a shared vision for their place?
- Discover insights from latest industry research into how tourism can deliver more effectively for placemaking and the place economy
Announcing the winner of the first City Nation Place Leadership Award
Close of Day One
Registration for Breakfast Briefing
Breakfast briefing hosted by BBC - details to follow
Welcome to Day Two
Opening keynote: 10 years of learnings at London & Partners
London & Partners were keynote speakers at the very first City Nation Place Global conference in 2015. Over the past 10 years the organisation has grown, the remit has evolved, and it’s enjoyed a strong track record of success. What have been the key learnings that will inform the next 10 years of place branding, destination management, and economic growth for London….
- Building a brand values story as a capital city separate to the nation’s story
- Leveraging the connection between tourism and economic development
- Managing geopolitics as a global city
Place Leadership Panel: Pulling the right levers
Our panel of place brand, economic development and destination marketing leaders discuss the data, tools, and levers they use to demonstrate the value of the work their organisations are doing.
- What puts your place brand or marketing team at the top table of place-led planning and development?
The people factor: Best practice in community engagement
Learn from three examples of engaging the community in tourism development strategy, place making, and civic pride – our panel will also focus on how the tactics and stratagems they employed could be scaled up or adapted to every city, nation, or place
Join your choice of breakout sessions, all led by our expert partners including Bloom Consulting, Brand Finance, C Studios, DNCO, Epsilon, Miles, MMGY, Reputation Lab, Resonance Consultancy, and Zartico. Session details to be confirmed.
Expert-led breakout sessions
Leveraging the place brand strengths to manage the next ten years in Eindhoven
Another organisation which was represented on the first City Nation Place Global conference in 2015, over the past 10 years, Eindhoven365 has continued to deliver a unifying place narrative that has driven the city’s success.Now the challenge is to harness the team’s experience of engaging the community to manage growth – with the concurrent disruption this can bring. Hear how the OpenEindhoven initiative is designed to engage stakeholders in the vision for the future: how the city will look and feel, and how transition to sustainable solutions will deliver a better quality of life.
Join your choice of breakout sessions, all led by our expert partners including Bloom Consulting, Brand Finance, C Studios, DNCO, Epsilon, Miles, MMGY, Reputation Lab, Resonance Consultancy, and Zartico. Session details to be confirmed.
Expert-led breakout sessions
The power of place: Understanding the private sector perspective
Learn from new research carried out by City Nation Place in partnership with FDI Intelligence
- When and why is place perceived as important to business success?
- How is the work of place brand and marketing teams perceived?
- What motivates private sector leaders to engage with place brand teams and become place ambassadors?
The AI factor in place branding and marketing
- Dublin: Navigating AI and the personalisation of the place brand experience
- Toronto: How AI is changing the game for investment attraction
- The Netherlands: Leveraging AI to promote a nation’s brand values
The City Nation Place Awards: Announcing the winners of the 2024 Awards
Close of the Conference followed by Farewell Drinks
Confirm cancellation
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