City Nation Place Global

9th annual City Nation Place Global, London 

Register your interest for 2023

We are currently building the agenda and confirming new speakers – SIGN UP HERE to stay in touch with the developing program.  If you would like to suggest a speaker, please contact


Morning: Optional additions to your City Nation Place Global experience!

Join the City Nation Place Think Tank with a small group of place brand and marketing leaders to learn from our workshop leaders and from each other.  
Or join one of our special place-shaping tours, led by the respective business improvement districts to provide an insider’s guide to their economic development plans.

Please select and pay for these when registering your conference place.

City Nation Place Think Tank: Building an effective place brand narrative

A full morning session incorporating two workshop sessions, both designed to help you engage your stakeholders in building a collaborative vision for your place brand.  Your Think Tank fee includes both sessions, morning refreshments, and lunch.

9.00am: Registration

9.30am – 11am: What do we mean by a "place brand narrative" and how do we build it?

Led by:

Todd Babiak CEO Brand Tasmania Bio

This workshop will give you the tools to connect your strategy with your identity in order to engage your stakeholders more effectively.

  • First lesson: how to listen
  • Breaking down the steps to developing a unifying narrative

11.15am – 12.45pm: Unlocking data to tell stories to inject smarter thinking into the implementation of your place vision

Led by:

Jay Kinghorn Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder Zartico Bio
Josh Collins Chief Product Officer Zartico Bio

This workshop will open your eyes to the power of data and how place brand, destination marketing, and economic development teams can work together to tell better stories to engage stakeholders in the vision for the place economy and to demonstrate the impact of your strategies. Learn to unlock the hidden potential for places through insights built on five common and core foundations. Join this session to discover what they are, how to gain stories from the insights and how you can begin to transform your place with a stronger visitor economy

  • Understand the five foundational pillars of smarter thinking 
  • How to gain insight from data to transform your place economy management and marketing 

Or join one of our tours...

9.30am – 12pm

Place Shaping Tour A | BRIXTON

Hosted by the Brixton Business Improvement District [BID] team, this tour will provide an insider’s guide to the distinctive south London district, famous for its markets and Caribbean culture.  How is the BID team working to build economic opportunities whilst retaining the distinctiveness of the area and engaging the community? 


9.30am – 12pm


Hosted by the Central District Alliance, the Business Improvement District for Holborn and Clerkenwell, anchored by two major new Elizabeth Line stations at Farringdon and Tottenham Court Road, working with titans of industry such as Google, Rosewood Hotel, WPP and more to champion business growth in London.  Join the CDA team on a tour talking you through some of the district’s iconic sights and innovative projects. Visiting locations such as Renzo Piano’s (designer of the Shard) iconic Central St Giles, new public realm investments such as Princes Circus, ESG initiatives, and historically significant locations like the British Museum.


Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday will be the conference. Please click between the tabs to see the agenda for both days.

  • 08:00

    Morning: Optional extra opportunities to network and learn:

    • A two-hour walking tour of a London district exploring an emerging placemaking and economic development vision
    • Morning workshop session[s] exploring key implementational challenges for place brand and marketing strategies
  • 13:30

    Registration & networking

  • 14:00
  • 14:10

    Opening keynote

  • 14:30

    Measuring the success of tourism strategy against wealth and wellbeing KPIs Case study: Destination Canada

    Hear how Destination Canada have created and launched a more holistic yardstick to measure the success of tourism marketing

    • Socialising the key framework for the wealth and wellbeing index with all place stakeholders
    • Gathering data from stakeholders to measure the pulse of sentiment
    • Creating a reporting process to share success and provide direction
  • 14:45

    Redefining success for investment promotion / economic development

  • 15:00

    Joint Q&A

  • 15:10

    Refreshments & networking

  • 15:40

    Roundtable discussions

    Join a small group of delegates for peer-to-peer learning and discussion on shared challenges and emerging opportunities – moderated by our expert partners

  • 16:40

    Panel discussion: People, Places… and Technology

    • How are places leveraging new technologies to engage with citizens, and potential visitors or investors
    • Which emerging tech do our panellists feel offer the most exciting opportunities for place brand marketing?
    • How do you balance tech and human touchpoints with your brand?
  • 17:20

    Networking drinks reception

  • 08:00


    More keynote presentations, panel discussions and expert-led sessions

  • 13:00


    More keynote presentations, panel discussions and expert-led sessions

  • 09:00

    Opening leadership panel: Nations, regions, cities: managing the brand relationships

  • 15:40

    Engaging your private sector in your place brand – leveraging and building the place of origin effect

    • Whether a legal designation, a licensed brand, or an export promotion platform, how can a place of origin program support your place brand strategy and build your place reputation?
    • Creating ambassadors for your brand: tips for engaging your private sector through a place of origin platform
    • How a place of origin platform can work more effectively for domestic and international audiences
  • 15:10

    Refreshments and networking

  • 13:50

    Expert-led sessions

    Your opportunity to choose from a wealth of expert-led sessions learning from new research, strategic advice, and client case studies

  • 13:30

    Benchmarking investment in place brand and marketing vs economic outcomes: an update on the Measuring Effectiveness project

  • 12:30

    Lunch and networking

  • 11:10

    Expert-led sessions

    Your opportunity to choose from a wealth of expert-led sessions – learning from new research, strategic advice, and client case studies

    Session details to be confirmed: hosts include Adara, Brand Finance, C Studio, Crowdriff, IPSOS, Simpleview, Zartico

  • 10:50

    Case study: Changing perceptions of your place through a collaborative place brand strategy

  • 10:20


  • 10:00

    Case study: Leveraging cultural assets to build the reputation of an edge city and drive sectoral economic development

  • 09:40

    Case study: Building a city brand platform

  • 17:00

    Announcing the winners of the City Nation Place Awards 2023 and closing drinks reception