Hear the key takeaways from our Expert Partners...
CNP Americas 24 - Creos
Alex Lemieux, Business Development Director & Cofounder, Creos
David Cowan, Chief Public Spaces Officer, Downtown Detroit Partnership
CNP Americas 24 - Fourth Economy
Nicole Muise Kielkucki, Director of Economic Innovation, Fourth Economy
Nathan Reigner, Director of Outdoor Recreation, Pennsylvania
CNP Americas 24 - DNCO
Joy Nazzari, Founder and Executive Chair, DNCO
Luis Mendoza, North America Lead, DNCO
CNP Americas 24 - Miles Partnership
Andria Godfrey, Vice President, Data Science, Miles Partnership
CNP Americas 24 - LMNL
Jamie Shaw, Partner, Narrative + Design Experience, LMNL Studio
Nick Moser, Partner, Integrated Environments, LMNL Studio
CNP Americas 24 - Veneto Collaboratory
Joe Veneto, Chief Experience Officer, Veneto Collaboratory
Jorge Franz, Senior VP, Tourism & Industry Relations, Houston First Corporation
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